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What's been going on.

There is this girl I have known since college and she's basically always been my best friend. I met her the first semester I was at WIU, and we had two classes together, Maple and CS211. She was also a Computer Science student. I occasionally talked to her, but not much. I thought she was really hot, from the first moment I saw her. 2nd semester we had CS214 together and we began talking more. Then we started doing a lot of studying and programming together. It was a lot of fun. Even phone calls at 3:00 AM were welcomed. Throughout the years we kept hanging out and working together. We spent a lot of time together. It never bothered me to walk back from Corbin to Higgins at Midnight in the middle of January.

I could write pages about the work we did together, and it would be emphatically penned. Not because all I have to talk about in our friendship is just papers and projects, but because most everything we did became some type of adventure. Her and I were able to pull off miracles, and we never achieved less than perfection. And work was never work but something to do while hanging out.

I learned a lot from her and I think she occasionally benefitted from my input. I was a lot more timid before I met her but that changed quickly when I had to be someone she could depend on. I think my experiences with her have been the main factor in my successes at work and otherwise. I definetly learned how to deal with pressure and stress. She has been the single greatest impact on my life.

There's a few things that are common knowledge about our friendship. It has had its ups and downs, but we always somehow reunited. Even after a year and a half without talking. I have always missed her every day we weren't talking. I have always missed her everyday we were talking. To many the friendship seemed odd, weird, or ambiguous. That's fine, I never thought I had to explain it to anyone.

We have always got along well and been able to collaborate under trying circumstances. She's really smart, has a great sense of humor, and very beautiful. Also, no one else has been as nice to me as she has. She makes me feel better when I don't want to. She's always treated my family well and Strider likes her too.

So after 6 years of friendship, Helen is my girlfriend. And I don't think I could be happier.

Suggestions, Comments, Concerns?
Touch me gently.

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